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- Libro Aprendizaje Y Memoria Un Enfoque Integral Pdf To Jpg Pdf
ISSN: 1578-4460. Convergencia entre el enfoque de las capacidades y la educabilidad. Importancia de los. Regional Integration and Internal Economic Geography - an Empirical Evaluation with Portuguese Data, Crespo, N., Fontoura, M.P. Production Sectors. Proporcionando objetos de estudio y aprendizaje con espacios de. Una vez hube establecido un tono y un enfoque para la. Libro Creatividad y Neurociencia Cognitiva 218pag. Para ello se. Apuesta por trabajar desde la educaci. Desde el presupuesto de programas y.
Libro Aprendizaje Y Memoria Un Enfoque Integral Pdf To Jpg Document
Libro Aprendizaje Y Memoria Un Enfoque Integral Pdf To Jpg Download
Journal published by the Euro-American Association of Economic Development Studies
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Free on line access: All the articles of years 2001 to 2015 and a few articles of 2015-2019
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Year | 1stsemester | 2ndsemester | ISSN: 1578-4460 |
2019 | Volume 19-1 | ||
2018 | Volume 18-1 | Volume 18-2 | |
2017 | Volume 17-1 | Volume 17-2 | |
2016 | Volume 16-1 | Volume 16-2 | |
2015 | Volume 15-1 | Volume 15-2 | |
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RSES Volume 19-1 (year 2019)
Articles in English
Human Capital, Divergent opportunities, and development in the US, Warburton, C.E.S. Abstract
Total Factor Productivity Convergence in European Regions: The role of sectors and geographical location. Escribá-Pérez, F.J.; Murgui-García, M.J. Abstract
Determinants of Employment Potential in Industrial Sector: An Indian Perspective , Behera, D.K. Abstract
Articles in Spanish
Nexo causal entre la urbanización y la producción regional: evidencia para Ecuador usando VI en econometría espacial, Méndez, P., Sheila Guarnizo, S., . Rafael Alvarado, R. Abstract
Evolución del comercio exterior por aduana según producción primaria en el Perú, 2005 – 2015; Ballena, V. Abstract
Desarrollo económico y servicios bancarios en las regiones argentinas: análisis de la provincia de Córdoba, García, F., Jacobo, Alejandro D. Abstract
La investigación universitaria en España: una lucha entre la ciencia y la burocracia, 1994-2018, Guisan, M. Carmen; Exposito, Pilar Abstract
El capital relacional como factor clave en el desarrollo económico internacional. un estudio de casos en el sector tecnológico, Trillo, M.A., Peces, M.C. Abstract
Responsabilidad ambiental, canón eólico y gobernanza local. El caso de Galicia, Regueiro, R.M.Abstract
Articles in English
Impact of the implementation of a protected area on the well-being of a rural community in Baja California Sur, Elizabeth Olmos-Martínez, Gonzalo Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Silvia Salas, Alfredo Ortega-Rubio Abstract
Sectoral Composition of Growth and Poverty Reduction in Peru: A Regional Approach (2001-2016), Victor Gamarra EcheniqueAbstract
Peculiarities Of State Property In The Economy Of Russia, Chernopiatov,A.M.,Akhmetov,L.A.,Djuraev,D.M.Abstract
Estimating China’s Agricultural Capital Stock from 1952 to 2012, Dong, Q., Murakami, T. Nakashima, Y.Abstract
How The Public Spending On Defense Can Affect Business Survival? The Case Of Shipbuilding In Spain, Ramon-Dangla, R., Yáñez-Muñoz, L. Abstract
Articles in Spanish
Integración latinoamericana: Industria, inversión y comercio intrarregional, 1994-2014, Susana Herrera Olarte, Abstract
Descomposición espacial y sectorial de la desigualdad. El caso de Ecuador, Tomala, M.A., Perdiz, J.V. Abstract
Desarrollo automotriz y renta de la tierra petrolera en Venezuela. Expansión y crisis en el período 2000-2016,Dachevsky, Fernando Germán, Kornblihtt, Juan Abstract
Articles in English
Employment and Development in Cali and the Valley of Cauca: Evolution and A Spatial Econometric Analysis, Jhon James Mora , Andres Cendales Abstract
The Policy Approach For The Third Mission Of Universities: The Spanish Case (1983 – 2018, De La Torre, Eva M. Perez-Esparrells, Carmen, Casani, Fernando Abstract
Comparative Analisis Of The Dynamics Of Social And Economic Development Of Regions And Federal Districts Of The Russian Federation, I. V. Mitrofanova,V. V. Kudrevich,N. P. Ivanov, V. V. Batmanova, I. A. Mitrofanova. Abstract
Articles in Spanish
Crecimiento economico Y transportemarítimo en America Latina, 2000-2015:Los efectos de políticas comercialesymodelizacion con datos de panel, López-Bermúdez, B., Freire, M.J. Pais, C. Abstract
Especialización, diversificación y localización sectorial en Ecuador y su incidencia en el ingreso regional, Huachizaca, V., Alvarado, R. Abstract
Sectores Dinámicos En La Industria Argentina De Posconvertibilidad (2002-2012): El Caso De La Industria De Bebidas.Estructura De Mercado Y Estrategias Empresariales,Naspleda, F. Abstract
Indice de desigualdad ocupacional por género en Portugal,Cardim, S., Aguayo, E., Lamelas, N. Abstract
Notable Spanish Women Economists: Pioneers, Doctoral Supervisors of Applied Economics and Top Researchers, 1975-2018, GUISAN, Maria-Carmen Abstract
Articles in English
The Role Of The Entrepreneur In The New Technology-Based Firms(NTBFs): GEM 2013 Global Analysis With Data From 70 Countries, Zapata,G.A. Fernandez-Lopez,S., Neira,I., Rey,L.Abstract
Structural Change: A Regional Analysis for Peru, 2003-2011; Tello, M.D. Abstract
Economic Growth, Structural Change, Industry and Intersectoral Linkages in SAARC Economies,Mishra, P.K., Mall, M., Pradhan, B.B.Abstract
Articles in Spanish
La inversión pública en medio ambiente en España, 2002-2014: caracterización y dinámica territorial,Ruiz-Peñalver, S., Porcel, L. Abstract
Hacia una economía baja en carbono: objetivos para 2030 en energías renovables, Camara,A.,Martinez,M.I. Abstract
Integración especial del Mercado del café instantáneo y molido en las tres principales ciudades de Colombia, Alonso, J.C., Estrada, D., Arcila, A.M. Abstract
International Comparisons of Production by Sector and Development
Manufacturing and Development in Countries and Areas of Africa, 2000-2010. Guisan, M.C.Abstract
RSES Vol. 17-1. January-June of 2017
Articles in English
International Trade and Industrial Recovery in the USA, Warburton, C.E.S.Abstract
The Spanish Movie Production, 1940-2014: from the Postwar to Nowdays, Henry Aray,Abstract
Structural Changes In The GDP Of Russia In 1995-2015: Sectoral Approach, E.G. Russkova,I.V.Mitrofanova,O.Yu. Vatyukova, N.P. Ivanov,V.V. Batmanova Abstract
RD Expenditure On Higher Education In Spain, 1990-2015: Inequalities, Among Regions And Fields, And Comparisons With Europe And The United States, Guisan, M.C. Abstract
Articles in Spanish
Crisis financiera y reestructuración de las cajas de ahorro. una comparación internacional,Calvo-Bernardino, A., Martin de Vidales, I.Abstract
Transformaciones recientes en el proceso de trabajo y en la acumulación de capital en la producción agraria argentina, 1996-2015, Caligaris, G.Abstract
Turismo internacional en Ecuador y Quito,Castillo-Montesdeoca, E.A., Martinez-Roger, F., Vazquez-Rozas, E. Abstract
El sector eólico español desde la perspectiva regional: principales características y tendencias, Varela-Vazquez, P., Sanchez-Carreira, M.C.Abstract
'International Comparisons of Production by Sector and Development'
Manufacturing and Development in Countries and Areas of Europe and Eurasia, 2000-2010, Guisan, M.C. Abstract
Europe and America
Employment Generated From The Multiplier Effect Of The Spanish Paper Industry, Ruiz-Peñalver S.M.Abstract
Vertical Specialization, Global Value Chains And International Trade: The Rubber And Plastics Industry InPortugalAnd Comparison With Northern And Southern EU Countries,Lopes, J.C.,Santos, A.Abstract
Financial Inclusion and Poverty: The Case of Peru, Schmied, J., Marr, A.Abstract
Patterns and Potentials ofPeru's International Trade: A Gravity Approach,Bermeo-Velasquez, M.E, Oh, J.,Abstract
Distress Beyond Poverty: Spatial Patterns and Geographic Aspects of Vulnerability inBrazil,Gries, T.; Palnau, I. Abstract
Asia, Africa and Worldwide Studies
Measuring the Progress of Digital Convergence in Markets: an Empirical Study on Video and Data Transferring Market in Taiwan,Chen, C.C.,Chuang, C-F.Abstract
Feasible Utopia: Cutting Poverty Rate in Half Using Basic Income Grants in Regions and Cities of Cote d´Ivoire,Aka, B.F.Abstract
Worldwide Processes In The Textile Industry: Relationship With Social Corporate Responsibility Through A Delphi Analysis: Ethic Or Aesthetics, Luque, A. Hernández-Zubizarreta, J., De Pablos-Heredero, C. (English) (Spanish)
Articles in Spanish
Procesos de mundialización dentro del sector textil y relación de los mismos con la RSE a través de un analisis Delphi: ética o estética, Luque, A. Hernández-Zubizarreta, J., De Pablos-Heredero, C. Abstract
El mercado mundial de aceituna de mesa(1990-2015),Parejo,F.M. Rangel, J.F. Abstract
El embalse de Mequinenza: Su aportación al delta del Ebro y su potencialidad para el desarrollo económico,Almazán-Gómez, M.A., Sánchez-Chóliz, J. Abstract
Perfil de la empresa familiar en España y Andalucía,Charlo, M.J., Nuñez, M. y Sánchez-Apellániz, M. Abstract
Special Report
Forty Years of Employment by Sector and Economic Development in 17 Spanish Regions, 1976-2016, Guisan, M.C. Abstract
Articles in English
International Trade and Manufacturing Employment in Developed Economies: An Empirical Study, Gozgor, G. Abstract
Job Satisfaction Amongst Public Employees Working Within Tax Administrations: Analyzing The Case Of Spain,Barrilao, P.E., Delgado, J. Villar, E. Abstract
The Importance Of The Country’s GDP In The Evaluation Of Companies Using Multiples On The European Stock Market, Salmanov, O.N., Babina, N.V. Bashirova, S.V., Samoshkina, M.V.Bashirova, R.R. Abstract
Ophthalmic-Optical Foreign Sector And Policy Implications, Barrera, M., Mainar, A., Valles, J.Abstract
Libro Aprendizaje Y Memoria Un Enfoque Integral Pdf To Jpg Pdf
Corporate Satisfaction With Public Centers Of Investigation: The CSIC, Pedraza, J.A, Fernández-Esquinas, M., Trillo, M.A., Cañadas, J.L. Abstract
Youth And Tourism Perspective. Application To Hostels. Guzmán Antonio Muñoz-Fernández,Sandra Sánchez-Cañizares, Silvia Cuenca Infante Abstract
Reform and Openness of the Chinese Economy: Effects on regional convergence.(Beta and Sigma convergence, 2000-2010), José Manuel García de la Cruz, Feng Bo Abstract
International Experience of Public-Private Partnership in Financial Management of Higher Education, Morozova Irina; Volkov Sergey; Syrbu Angelica Abstract
Articles in Spanish
Los costes energéticos en la agricultura de regadío. Alternativas para su reducción y efectos de la implantación de una tarifa verde en España, Langarita, R; Sarasa, C; Jiménez, S. Abstract
El comercio internacional de pasta, papel y cartón: una mirada desde Europa, Ruiz-Peñalver, S.M., Camacho Ballesta, J.A. Abstract
El sector turístico y su relevancia económica en Ecuador y los países de UNASUR, 1995-2013, Vazquez-Rozas, E., Martinez-Roget, F. ,Castillo-Montesdeoca, E.A. Abstract
El proceso de regionalización latinoamericano ¿aceptar que la cooperación es la única manera?, Susana Herrero Olarte Abstract
El desempeño de la rama siderúrgica argentina en un contexto de crisis (1960-1980). Una comparación con la economía argentina y la siderurgia mundial, Mussi, E. Abstract
RSES. Vol. 15-2. July-December of 2015
Employment Change in the U.S. Census Divisions from 2000 through the Great Recession and Current Recovery, Doorn, D.J., Kelly, Y.A. Abstract
The Economic Performance of Immigrants with Canadian Education, Boudarbat, B., Boulet, M.Abstract
Strategic-Spatial Analysis Of The Implementation Of Business Opening Politics Of Mexico, Vargas-Hernandez, J.G., Cardenas-Davila, C.F. Abstract
Poverty, Growth, Structural Change and Social Inclusion Programs: A Regional Analysis of Peru, Tello, M.D. Abstract
Market Value and Performance of Brazilian Companies, Santos, D.F.L., Rodrigues, S.V., Damiao, D.R.R. Abstract
The Impact of Local Conditions on the Retention of College Freshman Across Regional, Public Universities in the United States, Flores, O., Hansen, T.J. Abstract
Harmonization of Strategic Planning Indicators of Territories’ Socioeconomic Growth, Plotnikov, V., Fedotova, G., Popkova, E., Kastyurina, A. Abstract
Institutional designing of continuous education in Russia under the conditions of neo-economy and globalization, Akopova, E., Przhedetskaya, N. Abstract
Development Of Social Tourism: Organizational, Institutional, And Financial Aspects, Vinogradova, M.V., Larionova, A.A., Suslova, I., Povorina, E.V., Korsunova, N.M.Abstract
Social and Economic Disproportion of Development of Russian Territories, Volkov, S.K.Abstract
Spain and Hispanic America
El Sector Cervecero Artesanal Español y sus Posibilidades de Internacionalización, Alban-Cabaco, B., Nuñez-Tabales, J. M., Sanchez Cañizares, S.M. Abstract
Mercados, Desempeño Comercial Y Capacidad Para Competir Del Aceite De Oliva Virgen Argentino, Gonzalez, G., Picardi, S., Valls, L. Abstract
Organizaciones De Conocimiento Y Sistemas Regionales De Innovación En Países En Desarrollo. Estudio Para Argentina, Pasciaroni, C.Abstract
Las determinaciones económicas de Los 'Contratos Petroleros' En Argentina (1958-1963), Fitzsimons, A. L.Abstract
International Comparisons of Production by Sector and Development
Manufacturing and Development in Countries and Areas of Asia-Pacific, 2000-2010. Guisan, M.C., Exposito Abstract
The Massó Fish Canning Company: An Innovative Family Business, 1883-1994, Abreu, L.F.Abstract
Flood Crunch: A Fiscal Appraisal for Commercial and Residential Properties in England,Kantamaneni, K. Alrashed, I., Michael Phillips, M. , Jenkins, R. Abstract
The Economic Contributions of Higher Institutions of learning to Regional Communities: The case of University of Houston-Victoria , Kagochi, J., Malki, M., Summers, D. Abstract
Public-Private Partnerships For Real Estate Projects: Current Framework and New Trends, Roig, J., Soriano, J.M. Abstract
Transformation And Concentration Of Intellectual Capital As A Factor Of Economic Growth In The Modern Economy, Popkova, E.G., Yurev, V., Stepicheva, O., Denisov, N. Abstract
Evaluating The Structural Effects Of A Big Cultural Event: The Case Of The International Expo Zaragoza 2008, Duarte, R.; Jimenez, S.; Langarita, R.; Sánchez-Chóliz, J. Abstract
Parametres Forecasting Of Russian Grain Market In The Long And Short Term,Bannikova, N.V., Sulieva, K.S. Orel, Y.V. Abstract
Ecological External Effects of the Functioning of the Economic Complex of the South of Russia, Mitrofanova, I.V., Starokozheva, G.I., Mitrofanova, I.A., Shkarupa, E.A., Batmanova, V.V. Abstract
Estudio Sobre La Viabilidad Una Prestación Social Básica En España/A Study About The Feasibility Of A Social Protection Benefit In Spain, De La Peña Esteban, J. I., Fernandez-Sainz, A., Peña-Miguel, N. Abstract
Los Proyectos De Cooperación E Integracion Regional En América A Principios Del Siglo Xxi, Doval, A.Abstract
Análisis y explotación mediante modelos económicos multisectoriales de la Matriz de Contabilidad Social de Andalucía para 2008, Cardenete, M.A., Fuentes Saguar, P.D., Mainar, A. J., Rodriguez-Morilla, M.C, Abstract
Human Capital And Agriculture: Analysis Of 12 OECD Countries, Le Clech, N.A., Gimenez, G.Abstract
International Comparisons of Production by Sector and Development
Manufacturing and Development in Countries and Areas of America, 2000-2010. Guisan, M.C., Aguayo, E. Abstract
VOL.14-3. Special Issue on Economics of Education in collaboration with AEDE
Guest Editor
Susana Morales - Marta Rahona
Guest Secretary
Isabel Neira
La educación desde una perspectiva de género
Girl Power? An analysis Of Peer Effects Using Exogenous Changes In The Gender Make-Up of the peer group. Proud , S. Abstract
Is Gender Bias a Cost of Failure Issue?. Marín, C.; Rosa, A. Abstract
El género como factor determinante en las percepciones y actitudes de los estudiantes universitarios hacia la responsabilidad social. Larrán, M.;Márquez , C. Abstract
El género como variable moderadora de los resultados académicos en la enseñanza universitaria. Pérez-Cárceles, M.C.; Gómez-Gallego, M.; Gómez-Gallego, J.C.; Palazón-Pérez de los Cobos, A.; Gómez-García, J. Abstract
Family and Education: A Gender Approach for Young Adults at ages 16 to 25 in Spain from 2002 to 2013. Cañada-Vicinay, J.A. Abstract
Educación, género y su relación con el mercado de trabajo
Exploring the role of Labour Market Uncertainty in Explaining Differences in Rates of Return to Education in Europe. Dávia, M.A.; McGuinness, S.; O´Connell, P.J. Abstract
Employment Opportunities in Spain: Gender Differences by Education and ICT usage. Gómez, N.; Tobarra, M.A.; López, L.A. Abstract
Segregación laboral por género en España: efectos sobre los salarios y la movilidad salarial. Navarro-Gómez, M.L.; Rueda-Narváez, M.F. Abstract
The employability of Mexican university students: An analysis by gender and training areas. Contreras, A.B.; Dávalos, S.; Gónzalez-Morales, O.; Álvarez-González, J.A.Abstract
Europe, America and Eurasia
Country Image Management: Brand Spain in the United States (U.S.), Kilduff, K., Nunez, J.M.Abstract
European Common Agriculture Policy Impacts on Developing Countries Commodities Pricies, Caracciolo, F., Gotor, E., Santeramo, F.G.Abstract
Innovation Development Sectoral Trajectories Of The South Russian Regions,Antonenko, I.Abstract
Trade Advantage Of Italian Industrial Districts:Persistence And Change, Platania, M. Abstract
Determinants of exports intensity of industrial SMEs in Argentina, Ferrero, L., Hisgen, C.M. Abstract
Time Varying Agglomeration Effects on Total Factor Productivity in Spanish Regions (1995-2008), Escriba, F.J., Murgui, M.J., Abstract
Financial analysis of the main hotel chains of the spanish tourism sector, Gonzalez, C., Jareño, F.Abstract
Inequality in the Field of Education in Morocco: A Spatial Econometrics Approach, Ibourk, A., Amaghouss, J. Abstract
The Effectiveness of Vocational Training in Morocco: Quasi-experimental evidence, Boudarbat, M., Egel, D. Abstract
Spain and Hispanoamerica
Historia reciente de las inversiones españolas en América, Doval Adán, A. Abstract
El fracaso de las tentativas exportadoras en la industria automotriz argentina entre 1960 y 1976, Harari, I. Abstract
International Development by Area
World Development, 2000-2010: Production, Investment and Savings In 21 Areas of America, Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe and Eurasia, Guisan, M.C Abstract
America, Europe and Eurasia
The Effects of Education, Infrastructure and Demographics on Regional Income Performance in Missouri, Fullerton, T.M., Morales, C.R., Walke, A.G. Abstract
Services sectors’ concentration and countries’ specialization patterns in the European Union: A comparative analysis with a special focus on France, Germany, Greece, and the UK, Krenz, A. Abstract
Economic Development and Viability Firms in European Mining Regions. Berumen, S., Llamazares-Redondo, F.Abstract
Club performance dynamics at Italian regional level, Brida, J.G., Garrido, N., Mureddu, F. Abstract
Social Representations: International Students in Portugal Perceptions of the host country depending on their country of origin, Padrao, M.H.; Guerra, I.; Marnoto, S.; Padrao, R. and Oliveira, C. Abstract
The Impact of Financial Structure on Firms’ Probability of Bankruptcy: A Comparison Across Western Europe Convergence Regions, Succurro, M., Mannarino, L. Abstract
Gastronomic Tourism as a Motor of Local and Regional Development, Lopez-Guzman, T., Hernandez-Mogollon, J.M. Di Clemente, E. Abstract
Formation of the Regional Meat Cluster Development Strategy in Russia, Popkova, E.G., Romanova, M.K., Kukaeva, L.I. Abstract
Location Patterns Of Creative Capital And Regional Disparities In Spain, Kerimoglu,E., Karahasan, B.C. Abstract
Regional Effects Of Monetary Policy: Turkey Case, Duran, H.E., Erdem, U.Abstract
Regional innovation as part of regional development agenda in Turkey: The role of development agencies, Esen, A., Asik-Dizdar, O. Abstract
The Operation of New Transportation Infrastructure and Regional Economic Efficiency: A Case Study of Taiwan High Speed Rail on Regions in Western Taiwan, Chen, C.C. Abstract
Spain and Hispanoamerica
Un estudio de la aportación de las personas mayores al bienestar. españa 2009-2010, Cordero, J., Freire, M.P, Pis, E., Rodriguez-Galdo, M.X. Abstract
Género e inequidad educativa: Un análisis para el nivel medio en Argentina, Formichella, M.M., Ibañez-Martín, M. Abstract
Incidencia de las políticas públicas en el crecimiento de los parques industriales en México, 1953-2010, Iglesias-Piña, D. Abstract
Development in 96 European Regions
Industry, Productivity, Employment and Development in 96 European Regions, 2005-2010, Guisan, M.C., Cancelo, M.T. Abstract
VOL.13-3. Special Issue on Economics of Education in collaboration with AEDE
Guest Editor
Alvaro Choi. University of Barcelona
Jorge Calero. University of Barcelona
Guest Secretary
Isabel Neira. University of Santiago de Compostela
Two quality factors in the education system: teaching staff and school autonomy. The current state of research. Escardíbul, Josep Oriol Calero, Jorge Abstract
Improving Teachers’ Professionalism On An Experimental Basis. Lassibille, Gérard Abstract
Do Parents Perceive The Technical Quality Of Public Schools? An Activity Analysis Approach. López-Torres, Laura.Prior, DiegoAbstract
Improving Educational Investments: A Welfare Analysis for Europe Pfeiffer, Friedhelm and Reuss, Karsten Abstract
Publication performance of economists and economics departments in Turkey (2006–2011): An Update and Comparison. Çokgezen, M.Abstract
Convergencia entre el enfoque de las capacidades y la educabilidad. Importancia de los factores de calidad en la educacion primaria en Brasil Mediavilla, M.; Gallego,L.; Planells-Struse, S Abstract
El fracaso escolar en el nivel medio argentino: ¿es menos frecuente en las escuelas de gestión privada debido a su administración? Formichella, M. Krüger, NAbstract
Niveles de competitividad de los países y concentración de universidades de clase mundial .Lopez-Leyva, Santos Abstract
Europe, Eurasia and America
The Fish Canning Sector In Spain: Galicia, Vigo Estuary, 1900-2003,Abreu, L.F.Abstract
Factors Influencing Changes In Aggregate Energy Consumption. An European Cross-Country Analysis, Fernández, P., Landajo, M., Presno, M.J. Abstract
Employment by Sector and Gender in European and Spanish Regions, 1995-2012, Guisan,M.C., Aguayo, E.Abstract
Technical Efficiency, Technological Development, And The Labor Productivity GapIn Mexican Manufacturing, Chavez-Martín del Campo, J.C., Fonseca-Hernandez, F.J.Abstract
Concentration of goods traffic in Spanish ports during the period 2000-2009, Reina,R., Villena,F. Abstract
Metacompetences: How Important For Organizations? Analysis Of A Survey In Portugal, Pereira, O.P. Abstract
Academic Tourism: a More Sustainable Tourism, Rodriguez, X.A., Martínez-Roget, F., Pawlowska, E.Abstract
Regional Integration and Internal Economic Geography - an Empirical Evaluation with Portuguese Data, Crespo, N., Fontoura, M.P.Abstract
Production Sectors from Economic and Environmental Approaches: Evolution and Prevention of Greenhouse Emissions, Ramos, C., Moreno, B. Abstract
Should Be A Process The Internationalization Of A Firm? Born Global As An Exception, Santos, L, Muñoz, G.A.Abstract
Africa, Asia and Pacific
Industry Agglomeration and Wage Differentiation: An Empirical Study on Taiwan’s Manufacturing Industry, Chen, C.C. Abstract
The Diffusion and Adoption of Green Revolution Technologies: Lessons and policy implications from Pigeonpea farmers in Kenya, Simtowe, F., Muange, E. Abstract
Determinants of Educational Achievement in Morocco : A Micro-Econometric Analysis Applied to the PIRLS Study, Ibourk, A.Abstract
Vol. 13-1. January-June of 2013
Europe, Eurasia and America
Tourism In The Economic Growth Of Arequipa Region: Assessment And Development Policy Implications Carmen María Llorca, C.M., Casas, A.C., Soler, A. Abstract
From ‘Blue Banana’ To ‘Red Octopus’ And The Development Of Eastern And Southern European Cities: Warsaw And Lisbon,Metaxas, T., Tsavdaridou, M.Abstract
An Agent-Based Approach to Analyzing Renewable Energy Allocation: The German Success Story, Cartwright, P.A., Jones, A.C. Abstract
Modelling Linkages Versus Leakages Networks: The Case of Spain, Garcia-Muñiz, A.S. Abstract
Unemployment Persistence and Inflation Convergence: Evidence from Regions of Turkey, Gozgor, G.Abstract
Gender And Entrepreneurship: Analysis Of A Young University Population in Spain.Sanchez-Cañizares, S.M., Fuentes-Garcia, F.J.Abstract
Employment, Production and Income by Sector in Spain: Econometric Models and Comparison with Germany and the United States, 1965-2010, Guisan, M.C., Exposito, P. Abstract
Business cycle synchronisation at the regional level: evidence for the Portuguese regions, Correia, L., Gouveia, S. Abstract
Soft skills: from university to the work environment. Analysis of a Survey of Graduates in Portugal,Pereira, O.P. Abstract
Regional specialisation and efficiency of the agricultural sector in Greece: the relationship with regional funding allocation,Christofakis, M., Gkouzos A.Abstract
Renewable Energy, Electricity Market And Employment: The Case Of Spain, García-Álvarez, M.T., Varela-Candamio, L., Novo-Corti, I. Abstract
Análisis de una economía regional a partir de modelos multisectoriales La Matriz de Contabilidad Social de Aragón 2005, Mainar. A.J., Flores, M Abstract
Africa, Asia and Pacific
Distributions of Public and Private Manufacturing Firms and Determinants of Productivity in Ethiopia, Wodajo, T., Senbet, D. Abstract
Metropolitan House Prices In Regions of India: Do They Converge?, G.C. Aye, G.C., Goswami, S., Gupta, R. Abstract
Decomposition of Concentration Index using Generalised Linear Model: Analysis of Socio-Economic Determinants of Health Inequality in the Northern Territory of Australia, Zhao, Y.Abstract
VOL.12-3. Special Issue on Economics of Education in collaboration with AEDE
Guest Editor
José Manuel Pastor. University of Valencia
Carmen Pérez Esparrells. University Autónoma-Madrid
Guest Secretary
Isabel Neira. University of Santiago de Compostela
The Role Faculty Scholarship Plays In Producing Economics Ph.D.S From Liberal Arts Colleges, Lemke, R.J. Abstract
The Influence Of Transparency Of University Social Responsibility In The Creation Of Reputation, Baraibar, E., Luna, L. Abstract
What Are We Measuring When Evaluating Universities ’ Efficiency?, Berbegal-Mirabent, J., Solé, F. Abstract
How Nobel Laureates Would Perform In The Handelsblatt Ranking, Krapf, M., Schläpfer, J. Abstract
The Impact Of Weighting Preferences On University Rankings: The Example Of Bulgaria, Zahariev, B., Boyadjieva, P. Abstract
La necesidad de una propuesta de un ranking universitario por titulaciones o grados en España, Barruso, B., Calderón, C., Mingorance, A.C. Abstract
La posición investigadora de los sistemas universitarios regionales a través de su producción científica, Casani, F., De Filippo, D., Pérez-Esparrells, C., Sanz-Casado E. Abstract
Las universidades españolas bajo la influencia de los ranking, Romero,J. Pastor,J.M.Abstract
La influencia del entorno y la especialización en los rankings de universidades, García-Cárceles, B., Salvador, C., Serrano, L. Abstract
Fortaleza académico de las universidades públicas estatales en méxico expresada en un ranking nacional , López-Leyva, S. Abstract
Métodos multivariantes de obtención de rankings aplicación al caso de las universidades públicas españolas, Gómez-Gallego, J.C., Pérez Cárceles, M.C., Gómez-García, J. Abstract
Agrupación alternativa para la evaluación de las universidades públicas Españolas, García-Aracil, A., Palomares, D. Abstract
Análisis de los factores subyacentes en los rankings internacionales de universidades,Safón, V. Abstract
La evaluación de la eficiencia en las universidades: un análisis de inputs y outputs por áreas de conocimiento, Urueña, B., Martin-Cruz, N Abstract
Vol. 12-2. July-December of 2012
Europe, Eurasia and America
Revisiting the Tourism-Led Growth Hypothesis for Barbados: A Disaggregated Market Approach, Jackman M.M. Abstract
Wage inequalities and agglomeration in Croatia: Who’s to blame?, Mustra, V., Skrabic, B., Burnac, P. Abstract
The Role Of Women In The Early Years Of The Canning Industry In Spain, Abreu, L.F. Abstract
Society and technological evolution: challenges and opportunities, Pereira, O.P., Assoreira, M.J.R.Abstract
An Analysis of CO2 Emissions of Turkish Industries and Energy Sector, Ozkan, F., Ozkan, O. Abstract
Heteroscedastic Probit Model: An Application Of Home Ownership In Turkey, Caglayan, E., Un, T. Abstract
El acuerdo de asociación de la UE y el MERCOSUR: de las trabas comerciales a las posibilidades den la cooperación y el diálogo político, Sanchez-Diez, A., Ruiz-Huelamo, P. Abstract
La Apertura Al Exterior Del Sector Del Mueble Andaluz. An Opening To The Outside World Of The Spanish Andalusian Furniture Sector, Santos-Roldán, L., Abstract
Un análisis de los efectos de la reforma del sector eléctrico español sobre su estructura y competencia. An anlysis of electric sector in Spain, Garcia-Alvarez, M.T., Moreno-Cuartas, B. Abstract
Midiendo el empoderamiento femenino en América Latina, Aguayo, E., Lamelas, N. Abstract
Erasmus Students In Portugal: The Perception And The Impact Of International Crisis, Padrao, M.H., Guerra, I., Marnoto, S., Padrao, R., Oliveira, C. Abstract
Africa and Asia
Phasing Out of the MFA: Impact on Women Workers in the Mauritian EPZ Sector, Tandrayen-Ragoobur, V., Ayrga, A., Abstract
Trade Liberalization Policy And Growth by Sector: Is It Working For Jordan?, Awad. T.Abstract
Vol. 12-1. January-June of 2012
Europe, Eurasia and America
The Effects of No Child Left Behind on Student Performance in Alabama’s Rural Schools, Henry W. Kinnucan, H.W., Smith, M.D., Zheng, Y. Llanes, J.R. Abstract Provincial Disparities and Structural Unemployment in Canada, McPherson, S.H., Flores, O. Abstract
Innovation and Economic Performance: The Case of Greek SMEs, Beneki, C., Giannias, D., Moustakas, G. Abstract
Territoriality and Cohesion – The Relevance of Transport on The Development Strategies of Danube and Black Sea Macro-Regions, Frunza, R, Alupului, C. Abstract
Unemployment disparities and persistence: Assessing the evidence from Greek regions, 1981-2008, Lolos, S., Papapetrou, E.Abstract
Tourism in Spain: Disaggregated Analysis of the International Demand, Rodríguez, Xosé A., Rivadulla, Richard Abstract
Portuguese Immigration: Labor Market Assignment, Martins, A.P. Abstract
The Spatial Dimension in FDI Spillovers: Evidence at the Regional Level from Portugal, Crespo, N. Proença, I., Fontoura, M.P.Abstract
Entorno socioeconómico del emprendimiento en la Eurorregión Galicia-Norte de Portugal, Vazquez-Rozas, E., Chasco, C., Alonso, M. Abstract
Africa and Asia
The Effects of Monetary Policy on Real Farm Prices in South Africa, Aye, G.C., Gupta, R. Abstract
VOL.11-3. Special Issue on Economics of Education in collaboration with AEDE
Guest Editors
Mª Jesús Mancebón Torrubia, University of Zaragoza
Domingo Pérez Ximénez-de-Embún, University of Zaragoza
Guest Secretary
Isabel Neira, University of Santiago de Compostela
Inequality of Educational Outcomes: International Evidence from PISA. Freeman R B., Machin, S. J., Viarengo, M.G Abstract
How are inequality of opportunity and mean student performance related? A quantile regression approach using PISA data. Hermann, Z., Horn, D. Abstract
The Segmentation of the Argentine Education System: Evidence from PISA 2009. Krüger, N. Abstract
Using the Oaxaca-Blinder Decomposition Technique to Analyze Learning Outcomes Changes over Time: An Application to Indonesia’s Results in PISA Mathematics. , Barrera-Osorio, F., García-Moreno, V., Patrinos, H., Porta, E. Abstract
Exploring the gap difference in 2000-2009 PISA Test Scores between Argentina, Chile and Mexico. Gigena, M., Vera, M.L., Giuliodori, R., Gertel, H. Abstract
¿La sobreeducación de los padres afecta al rendimiento académico de sus hijos? Nieto, S., Ramos, R. Abstract
Do teachers make better parents? The differential performance of teachers’ children at school. Denny, K. Abstract
La educación medioambiental en España: Una aproximación a partir de los datos de PISA 2006.Cordero, J.M., García Valiñas, M.A., Manchón, C., Muñiz,M. A. Abstract
Floreat Scuola: An International Analysis of Parental Satisfaction with Schools, Borooah, V., Mangan, J. Abstract
Europe, Eurasia and America
Regional and environmental effects of the EU enlargement and Euro zone, Giannias, D., Sfakianaki, E. Abstract
Employee Benefits in the Hospitality Industry in the US: Inhospitable for Employees?, Chatterjee, S., Lauderdale, M., Gilliam, J. Abstract
Monopsony’ in the Market for Nurses? A Semiparametric Note, Mukherjee, D. Abstract
The Rise in Female Smoking in Russia: What to Do?, Ogloblin, C., Brock, G. Abstract
Steel Industry and The Sector’s Impact On Economical Growth In Turkey,Ozkan, F. Abstract
The Cultural Capital of Immigrant Families and The Impact on Student Performance: Evidence from Germany, Botezat, A. Abstract
The Face Of Immigration In The North Of Portugal,Padrao,M.H.,Padrao, R., Oliveria, M.J.A., Marnoto, S.,Guerra, I. Abstract
Vitality And Requalification Of Cities: A Contribution To A Reconceptualization Of A Sustainable Urban Planning, Pereira, O.P., Coutinho, M. Abstract
Africa and Asia
Los vínculos entre el nivel educativo y la cuota de mercado en África,Martín-Arnaiz, J.L.Abstract
International Report
Industry, Fair Competition and Trade in OECD Countries: Impact on Wages and on Employment by Sector, 2000-2010, Guisan, M.C. Abstract