Driver Licence Points Check

  1. Benefits
  2. Driver Licence Points Check
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There are a few ways you can check your driving history. If you just want to see how many demerit points you currently have, go to Demerit points.


To ensure the security of customer information, we require customers to log into or establish a MyServiceNSW account and link to Roads and Maritime Service.

List of demerit points and fines

For a list of all demerit points and fines, click here

Learner drivers and demerit points

For information on Learner drivers and the demerit points scheme, click here

  • Sold your car recently?

    The seller must have a NSW licence number. The buyer must have either a NSW licence number or a NSW Motor dealer licence number.

  • Change your address

    You can change your address online, by telephone or by visiting a motor registry.

  • Site Requirements

    We are improving accessibility to online services for hand-held and mobile devices by upgrading its system. Until this system upgrade is complete, it is advised that online services be accessed by a desktop or laptop computer.


You can check your driving history and request an official driver licence report online using a MySA GOV account.

or create an account.

To check how many demerit points you have accrued, visit the Demerit points page.

Who is this for

People wanting a driver licence report that shows current licence status, licence classes, demerit points and offences for the past ten years.

A driver licence report is suitable for employment, insurance and overseas licensing purposes. It is not suitable for use in legal proceedings.

What you need

A mySA GOV account to purchase and print a driver licence report.

Once logged in to your mySA GOV account, select the link to “Driver licence report” and pay the fee by Mastercard or VISA.

See below for other ways to apply.


A driver licence report costs $20.00.

Driving licence points check singapore

What happens next

Your driver licence report will be available to download and print from your mySA GOV account.

Other ways to apply

In person

Take the completed Application for Driver Licence report (168.0 KB PDF) to a Service SA Customer Service Centre and pay the prescribed fee. Application forms are available from all Service Centres.

Driver Licence Points Check


Post the completed Application for Driver Licence report (168.0 KB PDF) and payment by cheque or money order to:

Service SA
GPO Box 1533
Adelaide SA 5001