The French Tarrasch Variation Pdf Viewer


1. Tarrasch Variation, games 1-21

The French Tarrasch Variation Pdf Viewer Pdf

2. Nimzowitsch (Winawer) Variation, games 22-42

3. Advance Variation, games 43-47

Format: eBook (PDF). PGN files included. Pages: 331pp. Published: 2016. Before ordering an ebook, please read our technical help section. Select an option: Killer French - The Book: eBook. Qg4: Theory B: 7.a4; French Winawer Variation: Main Line: White Avoids 7.Qg4: Theory C: 7.h4; French Winawer: Main Line:.

4. King's Indian Attack, games 48-51

5. Exchange Variation, games 52-56

French defense tarrasch variation

6. Other lines, games 57-60

Will put these games in proper order at some future date; I do not believe all games are accounted for. From the book 'Winning with the French'

Direct variation pdf

I've got to say, even though my understanding of the French is probably superficial compared to it's Grandmaster Exponents;

It comes down to choosing either the volatile Winawer in certain situations or the Classical line.

For those who know it; the 'Winawer-Nimzowitsch' variation may be too close for comfort for some, too volatile.

In Neil McDonald's Concise Chess Openings (CCO), I am under the impression, that one may be able to play the 'Classical Variation' (and linked to the McCutcheon variation, but check it out yourself) of the French instead of the Winawer.

This is still under research. I may be wrong. We all know, these lists are mainly the users and at times, we would not even care to let others know what we are thinking, but so it is...

There are no games in the database for Uhlmann in using either the McCutcheon or Classical variations;

Note the game I have included below, very illustrative is the game of Reinhart Fuchs vs Wolfgang Uhlmann. The French comes crashing down like a house of cards and Black resigns by move 26. It is scenarios like the Fuchs Uhlmann game that has led me to think out that playing the Classical may lead to a more quieter game.


Also, since there are some games in the book but not in the database, it is good reason to include 'extra' 'not-in-the-book' games.