Hypnotic Influence: A Master`s Class In Experiential Trance


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Hypnotic influence a masters class in experiential tranceExperiential
I've read 15 books on hypnosis and a couple on NLP, I've spent hours researching online and I still can't hypnotize someone.
I've tried a few basic instant inductions (handshake for example)
I'm more interested in conversational hypnosis but still can't do it even though I have four books about it.

Hypnotic Influence A Masters Class In Experiential Trance

I researched my books the best I could, although there maybe better books out there, I feel I should be at beginners level by now.
Hypnotic influence a masters class in experiential tranceWhat do I need to do?
What books do you recommend (about how to hypnotize NOT about hypnosis in general)

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By Teppo Holmqvist

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